Kanishk Chhabra
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All of my major certificates, I have earned till now!

GirlScript Winter of Contributing - Certificate of Achivement

December 2021
  • Part of the Top Contributors list in Android Development using Kotlin Domain
  • Provided valuable content in domains of Front-End Web Development ,Android Development using Kotlin and Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • Contributed towards Video and Documentation Section.
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GirlScript Winter of Contributing - Participation Certificate

December 2021
  • Provided valuable content in domains of Front-End Web Development ,Android Development using Kotlin and Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • Added self-written content with minimum possible plagiarism.
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Participant at LiveTheCode Hackathon

October 2021
  • I with my team participated in nation-wide hackathon where we created a website to educated common people about rocket science and gave information of all types of rockets of different organizations.
  • It was our First Hackathon We came 16 at National level.
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30 Days of Google Cloud

October 2021
  • Throughout this program I learnt about Cloud Resources, Cloud Environments, Kubernetes, Clusters, Virtual Machines and many more things as part of it.
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Let's Grow More - Certificate of Appreciation

August 2021
  • One of the Top Contributors in the list.
  • Contributed some important and valuable solutions of Data Structures and Algorithms & Web Development in form of Documentation..
  • Part of 5 different repositories participating in this program.
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AI For India - Certificate of Participation

April 2021
  • Part of the Record for most users taking an online computer programming lesson in 24 Hrs by the GUVI Organisation.
  • On 24th & 25th April 2021, GUVI delivered an Online Computer Programming lesson to around 6L users, leading to AI in 24 hours.
  • Within this time, I learned to make Face Recognition App using Python.
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HTML, CSS & JS for Web Developers - Course Certificate

January 2021
  • In this 5 week long course, it was about introduction to Web Development using HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
  • This Course was offered by Johns Hopkings University on Coursera Platform.
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Android Development - Certificate of Training

September 2020
  • This Traiining was provided by Internshala Trainings
  • I learned about Kotlin, Android Architecture, Lifecycles, Activites, etc. and also made 5 Android Projects throughout the program
  • I Scored a 100% score in the final test.
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Presenter at International Conference on Innovation in Science & Technology, London, 2019

July 2019
  • I was invited as a speaker at the "International Conference of Innovation in Science and Technology- London" in 2019.
  • The name of research paper was "The Road Safety Protocol".
  • Access Research Paper Here
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Speaker at International Conference of Young Scientist, Malaysia, 2019

April 2019
  • I was a presenter at the International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS) - 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • I presented my research "No Human Vehicle Tolling System".
  • Students from 32 Countries were participating in this Conference.
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Raspberry Pi - Certificate of Completion

January 2019
  • Through this program, I learned to use and make projects using Raspberry Pi.
  • I learned about Python, GPOI pins, WebSocket. Also used multiple components using Raspberry Pi, using my prior knowledge using Arduino.
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First Prize - Geek-a-Hertz

November 2018
  • Me and my team created a project using Electronic Components and presented in front of the judges.
  • We won First Prize in the same.
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